☎ 7455002410

You can change or cancel an item or the entire order before 6:30 pm the previous day. In order to cancel a partof, or the entire order, please contact us on 7455002410 and quote your name and changes. Alternately, youmay make changes in your order through the mobile app. We'll try to accommodate your request as best as wecan.

Conditions for Refund

• Milk Unfit for Consumption: Our milk has no preservatives or additives. Maintaining optimumtemperature, hence, is key to keeping the milk fresh and fit to be consumed. However if the cold chaininadvertently breaks at our end, causing the milk to turn sour on the day of delivery, you can request arefund for the said lot. Refund is initiated once we collect the soured milk pack from you.

• Incorrect Delivery: A delivery will only be considered incorrect at our end if you have informed us inadvance. If you receive a delivery despite of this, you are eligible for a refund. Refusing delivery withoutprior information does not qualify for refund.

• Refusal / Late cancellation : Charges will still be applicable in case intimation for cancellation is madeafter 6:30 pm, and also on refusal to take the delivery in the morning.

• Missed Delivery : If, on any given day, your milk delivery has been missed, please inform us before 1pmon the same day so that we can resolve it immediately and ensure smooth delivery of your favourite DesiCow milk and Buffalo Milk.

Please note that we will be unable to take into consideration any complaint after that so we urge you to letus know before 1pm.

The following are the only admissible ways of prior intimation :Call our customer care department.Update necessary information in your account on the Mobile App.

Note: Informing the delivery boy is not admissible as formal intimation of order. The customer care departmentis the only authorized channel for this.

Terms and conditions

• Members of the same family can not claim any offer, cash back or bonus twice.

• Similarly, any offer, cash back or bonus can not be enjoyed on the same delivery address more thanonce.

• We do not encourage monetization of cash back.

However, it can be certainly benefitted against yoursubscription value.

• 2 offers cannot be clubbed together.

• Cashback value cannot be consumed in the first order

• In case of any user found exploiting the offers, the cashback amount or offer amount will be forfeited andremaining balance needs to be consumed.

No refund will be given.